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Archive for May, 2015

Automatically engineer and detail Moment connections

moment connections

Qnect has created a sophisticated, automated process to engineer and connect steel joints by merging the engineering function and the connection function while keeping the engineer’s and fabricator’s preferences flexible.

In addition, Qnect offers every shear plate and double angle connection, every skew angle, extended shear plates, stabilizer plates, full depth stiffeners, OSHA requirements… They complete all required coping and weld designations, erectability resolutions, even add plate washers at embeds. Every shear and axial, including NYC Integrity Requirements, and every doubler plate reinforcement for coped beams will be accurately placed. On double angles we perform bolted/bolted, bolted/welded and welded/bolted connections. All engineering calcs are embedded at each joint in the TEKLA 3D model.

It took a diverse group of people to finally crack the code for accurate moment connections automatically and instantly done.


Software is eating the world of steel

As Mark Andreesen of Silicon Valley famously said, “Software is eating the world…” This is evident in all industries and the Steel industry is a prime example. Software is efficient. Design something really well the first time and then deploy it over and over again, while making it continually better. Smarter.

So what is the limit to what software can do for Steel? Qnect addresses not just the software options of today, but the future of software to make the structural steel industry even more safe, economical and efficient.


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