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No Connections Reference Map

Company: - Josh Qnect -
Job Title: - Qnect Demo 2000 Tons -
Session Title: Baseline
Session Date: 2018-08-31 18:06:55
Model Name: Josh_Demo_2000_Tons.db1
B+Op Status: B+Op was disabled
Building Code: AISC-14
Design Type: LRFD
Engineering Units: Imperial
Bolt Catalog: ASTM Imperial
Profile Catalog: ASTM Imperial
Plate Material Grade Catalog: ASTM Imperial
Plate Thickness Catalog: Imperial
Detailing Distances Dimensions: Imperial
Weld E70
Shear Plate A572-GR.50
Angle A36
Bm Web Doubler Plate A572-GR.50
Stabilizer Plate A572-GR.50
End Plate A572-GR.50
Col Moment Plate A572-GR.50
Col Stiffener Plate A572-GR.50
Col Web Doubler Plate A572-GR.50

Summary Reports: Job Standard Summary  |  Job Sample Calcs Report  |  B+Op Comparison Report
Job Preferences Report  |  No Connections Summary  |  No Connections Detailed  |  No Connections Reference Map
Shear Plate Reports: Specs  Strengths (Shear Only Connections)  Strengths (Shear & Axial Connections)  Welds  Doublers
Single Angle Reports:  Specs  Strengths (Shear & Axial)  Welds  Doublers
Double Angle Reports:  Support Side Specs  Beam Side Specs  Strengths (Shear & Axial)  Welds  Doublers
End Plate Reports:  Specs  Strengths (Shear & Axial)  Welds
Moment Reports:  Specs  Support Strengths  Support Reinforcement Strengths  Moment Plate Strengths  Welds
Moment Group Reports:  Doubler Plate Specs  Doubler Plate Welds  Stiffener / Moment Plate Specs  Stiffener / Moment Plate Welds

ID No Connect Reason
1 Across session connections are not supported yet.
2 Angle secondary leg calculations have failed
3 Angle beam weld calculations have failed
4 Angle calculations failed
5 Angle leg overhanging at support edge connection detail not supported yet.
7 Not connected due to gage or angle size issue.
8 Axial Load At Column Web Exceeds Yield Line Capacity.
9 Beam (span) phi (angle) is not right angled.
10 Beam bending calculations have failed.
11 Beam block shear axial calculations failed.
12 Beam Calculations failed
13 Beam compression calculations have failed
14 Vertical offset places beam either above or below column/beam.
16 Beam leg Angles Calculations failed
17 Less than half of the available space on the filler beam available due to vertical offset.
18 Beam strength calculations failed, please review beam end reaction.
19 Beam tension yield calculations have failed.
20 Beam to beam connection too close to a beam splice connection.
21 Beam to beam connection too close to a beam to beam connection.
22 Beam to beam connection too close to a beam to column connection.
23 Beam to beam connection too close to a beam to embed plate connection.
24 Beam to beam connection too close to a column to beam connection.
25 Beam to column connection too close to a beam to beam connection.
26 Beam to column connection too close to a column splice connection. Verify splice location for erectability.
27 Beam to Column connection too close to Column to Beam connection.
28 Beam to embed plate connection too close to a beam to beam connection.
29 Beam vertical shear calculations failed.
30 Beam yield rupture calculations have failed
31 Bolt bearing calculations failed.
34 Bolt spacing required for bolt diameter preference is not in bolt spacing preferences.
35 Bolt strength Calculations Failed.
36 Bolted gusset plate block shear calculations failed
37 Bolted gusset plate combined load interaction calculations failed
38 Bolted gusset plate compression buckling calculations failed
39 Bolted gusset plate flexural strength calculations failed
40 Bolted gusset plate shear yield rupture calculations failed
41 Bolted gusset plate tension yield rupture calculations failed
42 Double Angles are not currently enabled.
43 End Plates are not currently enabled.
44 Gravity moment is not currently enabled.
45 Moment is not currently enabled.
46 Moment YY is not currently enabled.
47 Reverse Shear is not currently enabled.
50 Single Angles are not currently enabled.
51 Torsion is not currently enabled.
52 Double angle connections with moment forces at beam to column web connections are not yet supported in the Qnect product.
53 Connections which share bolts with previous session connections not supported.
54 Mismatching Fabricators Detailing Preferences at other end of beam. Cannot update previous session connection for additional 1/16 in. (2mm) setback at angles or end plates. Please update preferences to match and re-run.
55 Mismatching Fabricators Detailing Preferences at other end of beam. Cannot update previous session connection for no additional 1/16 in. (2mm) setback at angles or end plates. Please update preferences to match and re-run.
57 Clashing opposite connection type.
58 Connections to a girder where there is a column flange above or below are not supported yet.
59 Angle not allowed in COLUMN_TO_BEAM group.
60 Support Column calculations failed due to concentrated support forces at gusset plate to column flange connection.
61 Column Web Inadequate for Middle Beam Forces.
62 Combined Load Interactions calculations have failed.
63 Connection clashes with stiffener created in previous session.
64 Qnect does not currently make connections at column splices.
65 Connections framing too close to each other.
66 Connections with slope greater than 2.87 degrees are not currently supported.
68 Unable to clear opposite connection flanges. Please delete existing opposite connection and re-run with both connections selected.
69 Directly welded beam flange weld strength calculations failed due to support material thickness.
71 Unable to Fit Doubler Plate In Beam Web
72 Doubler plate beam weld Calculations Failed.
73 Insufficient Doubler Plate Weld Strength
74 Insufficient Doubler Plate Thickness to Match Required Beam Web Reinforcement
75 Erection procedure incompatible with previous session connection.
76 Failed fitting erection bolt(s) on max size gusset plate with max hss brace slot length. Please increase max gusset plate width and/or length, or adjust erection bolt preferences and try again.
77 Failed changing angle side to avoid conflict with opposite angle.
81 Unable to connect due to erectability issues at beam to column web shear plate with standard setback.
82 Flange bolts clash with stabilizer plate.
83 Flange Plate strength calculations failed.
87 Moment Connections at both Column Flange and Web are not yet supported by Qnect
88 Gage at Support failed due to opposite connection.
89 Gap at skewed Single Angle exceeds maximum 3/32 in. (3 mm) allowed.
90 Girder angle bolt strength calculation failed
94 Part of group with incorrect or missing vertical shear force.
95 Grouping contains already connected members
96 Opposite double angle connections with horizontal offset and axial load not yet supported by Qnect.
97 Opposite single angle connections with horizontal offset and axial load not yet supported by Qnect.
98 Shear Plate at HSS Limits of Applicability Failed.
99 Shear Plate at HSS Local Yielding Failed.
100 Shear Plate thickness exceeds maximum allowed by AISC Equation K1-3, Plate Limit States and HSS Punching Shear.
101 Shear Plate at HSS Shear Yielding (Punching) Failed.
102 Shear Plate at HSS Wall Plastification Failed.
103 Shear Plate at HSS Wall Shear failed.
104 IBC Integrity Load At Column Web Exceeds Yield Line Capacity.
105 Staggered Bolts and OSHA Preference are not yet supported.
106 Insufficient angle leg length for gage at sloped beam.
107 Insufficient Setback at Beam to Clear Fillet Weld at Bolted Moment Plate.
108 Insufficient Bolt Clearance AT Adjacent Column Web Connection.
109 Insufficient Bolt Clearance FROM Adjacent Column Flange Connection.
110 Insufficient Capacity at HSS Brace. HSS Brace connections that require reinforcement are not supported yet.
111 Insufficient Connection Overlap at Opposing Axial Connections.
112 Insufficient Connection Overlap for Opposite Axial T/C Loads.
113 Insufficient Connection Overlap for Opposite Integrity Loads.
114 Unable to fit Angle Leg at Sloped Support Web.
115 Insufficient space at support stabilizer weld.
116 Insufficient support beam flange prying capacity.
118 Insufficient support beam web yield line capacity.
119 Insufficient TC Bolt Clearance at Adjacent Web Connection HH OK.
120 Insufficient welding clearance for electrode at angle leg welded to main beam.
121 Insufficient welding clearance for electrode at angle leg welded to filler beam.
122 Insufficient welding clearance for electrode at shear plate welded at support column web.
123 Integrity loading preferences changed, please delete existing connection in group and re-run both connections selected.
125 Extended setback exceeded maximum allowed for bolt fitting.
127 Member rotation and/or slope combination not yet supported by Qnect.
128 Job id does not match with previous session job id of group connections.
129 Shear Plate Max Plate Thickness Calculations Failed.
131 Middle beam calculations failed due to concentrated support forces at gusset plate to beam flange connection.
133 Unable to use same bolt diameter and type because mismatching bolting preferences selected for beam flange moment connection and beam web shear connection.
134 Unsupported connection data at opposite moment connecitons.
136 Missing connection type preferences.
138 Incorrect or missing vertical shear force.
139 Please delete existing opposite connections and re-run with both moment connections selected.
140 Moment design load exceeds beam plastic moment capacity
141 Moment load values in model cannot be negative
142 Moments were turned off on the Minimum job Requirements page.
143 More than two beams in same group is not supported yet.
144 Non-concentric brace, beam and column centerlines not yet supported by Qnect
145 Non zero horizontal offset beams not supported.
146 Not enough beam web space
147 Connection length that is required to accommodate minimum number of bolt rows exceeds available space in beam web.
148 Not enough space for column web doubler at top of column.
149 Not enough welding space to connect bolted top flange plate at top of column.
150 Not enough welding space at doubler at top of column.
151 Not enough welding space to connect moment plate at top of column.
152 Not enough welding space at stiffener at top of column.
153 Knifed Angle Connection Is Not Available for NYC forces
154 NYC4 Integrity Load At Column Web Exceeds Yield Line Capacity.
155 Please delete existing opposite axial connections and re-run with both connections selected.
156 Differing Connection Conditions at Double Angles are not available for opposite axial connections.
158 Opposite Moment Connection is not Successful
159 Missing Top/Bottom Stabilizer Plates at one of opposite Shear Plate connections with Integrity Loads. Please update preferences to make sure that neither side needs stabilizer plates OR both sides have stabilizer plates.
162 Unsupported setback distance at slope.
169 Beam cope cut at skew preference failed.
170 Shear Connections at Column Web are not supported when there are column stiffener(s) or doubler(s) due to adjacent Moment Connection at Column Flange.
171 Shear plates on obtuse side of skewed connection not yet implemented.
172 Shear Plate standard setback detailing issue at BEAM_TO_COLUM_WEB.
173 Shear Plate Strength Calculations Failed
174 Full Depth Shear Plate Girder Flange Weld Failed.
175 Shear Plate Weld Axial Capacity Failed.
176 Shear Plate Weld Clashes With Bolts At Support Web.
177 Shear Plate Support Weld Horizontal Fitting Failed.
178 Shear Plate Weld IBC Axial Capacity Failed.
180 Shear Plate Weld NYC Axial Capacity Failed.
181 Shear Plate Girder Weld size incompatible with setback.
182 Shear Plate Weld Size Preferences Failed.
183 Shear Plate Weld Strength Calculations Failed.
184 Single Angle Connections with IBC Axial load are not supported.
185 Single Angle Connections with IBC Axial load and passthrough reqirement are not supported.
186 Single Angle Connections with Axial load are not supported.
187 Single Angle Connections with NYC4 Axial load are not supported.
188 Opposite Single Angle connections where Axial is equal to % of Shear Load can only be connected if shop bolted to support.
189 Connections with skew less than 30 degrees are not yet supported.
190 Skewed moment connections are not currently supported.
191 Doubler plates on sloped connections are not currently supported.
192 Stiffener plates on sloped connections are not currently supported.
193 Square Groove CJP weld preference at beam flanges is not supported yet.
195 Insufficient Stabilizer plate group axial capacity.
196 Stabilizer plate system failed.
197 Bolt Staggering Space Constraints Check Failed.
198 Mismatching connection type and standard setback at shear plate preference. Please reset and update job connection type preferences.
199 Column stiffeners (or doublers) that are required at moment connections are clashing with already connected memebers in grouping.
200 Connection Successful.
203 Support beam or column has changed, please delete existing connection(s) in group and re-run the group as a whole.
205 Supported connection type not found
206 Unable to neck-down bolted flange plate due to clashing preferences for deck support clearances and coping radius.
207 Unable to determine workable gage at flange due to max allowable gage being less than min required gage.
208 Inadequate beam flange width for web connection required thickness and flange bolts
209 Unable to match shear plate side with opposite connection.
210 Not connected due to being a beam splice connection.
211 Bolt fitting issue at beam web and flange bolts.
212 Opposite double angle connections with Axial T/C load and Bolt Stagger preference are not supported yet.
213 Opposite double angle connections with IBC Integrity Section BC1615.3.2.2 load and Bolt Stagger preference are not supported yet.
214 Opposite double angle connections with NYC Integrity Section BC2212.2.4 load and Bolt Stagger preference are not supported yet.
215 Connections with Axial T/C loads where angle(s) are welded to support are not supported.
216 Connections with IBC or NYC axial integrity loads where angle(s) are welded to support are not supported.
217 Connections with IBC or NYC axial integrity loads where angle(s) are welded to support are not supported.
218 Unsupported brace slope
219 Not connected due to being a column splice connection.
220 Connection type preference is missing or is not supported within grouping.
221 Connection Type preference is not supported.
222 Grouping is not supported yet.
223 Doubler not supported for current connection type and framing condition
224 Connection types are not available for given part profile(s).
225 Unsupported Flange Plate Deck Support Preference.
226 Unsupported Flange Plate Width Preference.
227 Framing condition is not yet supported by Qnect.
228 Framing condition and Force(s) Combination is not yet supported by Qnect.
229 Qnect does not support this combination of material grade and part profile.
230 Unsupported gusset plate geometry
231 Not connected due to being a horizontal bracing connection.
232 Connections with horizontal offset are not yet supported by Qnect.
233 Unsupported hss slot length for gusset plate geometry
234 Unsupported LSL hole type for grouping where some bolts are shared and some are not.
235 Maximum bolted flange plate length preference is smaller than minimum required for (2) rows.
236 Opposite double angle connections with Axial T/C and OSHA preference are not supported yet.
237 Opposite double angle connections with IBC Integrity Section BC1615.3.2.2 load and OSHA preference are not supported yet.
238 Opposite double angle connections with NYC Integrity Section BC2212.2.4 load and OSHA preference are not supported yet.
239 Qnect does not support this profile with the chosen part catalogue.
241 Skewed Shear Plate connections that require stabilizer plates with axial load and skew greater than 2 degrees are not supported yet.
242 Unsupported skewed connection at column.
243 Unsupported spacing preference per AISC J3.5b
244 Not connected due to being a vertical bracing connection.
245 Unsupported Vertical Bracing Framing Condition
246 Unsupported vertical bracing grouping
247 Unsupported vertical offset at moment connection.
249 Vertical Bracing Connections to Column Web are not supported yet.
250 Vertical Bracing groups that have Skewed Vertical Brace Connections are not supported yet.
251 Vertical Bracing groups that have Sloped or Skewed Middle Beam Connections are not supported yet.
252 Vertical bracing group with across session connection already done not supported.
253 Vertical Bracing Groups that have Beam to Column Web Axial Connections are not supported yet
254 Vertical Bracing groups with Both Single Angle and HSS Brace Connections are not supported yet.
255 Vertical Bracing Groups With Moment Connections Are Not Supported Yet
256 Vertical Bracing groups with Single Angle Brace Connections are not supported yet.
257 Weak Axis Bending due to offset opposite Shear Plates with Axial exceeds user pref allowable.
258 Web bolt clashing with opposite flange.
259 Opposite web bolts clash with stabilizer plate.
261 Weld Strength Calculations failed
262 Weld top clearance does not meet minimum
263 Welded gusset plate bending calculations failed
264 Welded gusset plate block shear calculations failed
265 Welded gusset plate compression calculations failed
266 Welded gusset plate tension yield rupture calculations failed
267 Welded gusset plate combined load interaction calculations failed
268 Welded gusset plate shear yield rupture calculations failed
269 Welded gusset plate tension yield rupture calculations failed
270 Filler beam workpoint is not between support end points.
271 Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support.
272 Load computed with UDL is too high.
273 At least one part in this connection has an unknown material.
274 Conflicting information in model. Moment load provided, but No selected for moment connection.
275 Qnect does not yet support HSS filler beams.
276 Conflicting information in model. Dead Load and Live Load are greater than Maximum Design Moment Load.
277 Conflicting information in model. Conflicting loads for Dead Load and Maximum Design Moment Load.
278 Conflicting information in model. No Moment load provided, but Yes selected for moment connection.
279 Bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
280 Qnect does not currently support contour plates with complex geometry.
281 Not connected due to user preference.
282 Qnect does not support groups with multiple job preferences.
283 Connection in Session is having an unidentified Job override preference.
284 Flat bar material grade does not match angle material grade.
285 Flat bar material grade does not match shear plate material grade.
286 Groups with connections framing to different mains are not supported.
287 More than 2 connections at one connection end.
288 Plate Thickness is not in allowable range for Material Grade.
289 Unsupported framing condition. Secondary beam web clashing with column flange toe at skew.
290 Failed to find beam shape in profile catalog. Please make sure that correct profile catalog is selected.
291 Failed to find material grade specification for profile. Please make sure that material grade specification exists for selected profile.
292 Failed to find material grade specification for plate. Please make sure that material grade specification exists for this plate profile.
293 Weld access hole height preferences selected do not meet AISC height criteria. (p. 16.1-386 Note 2), please update weld access hole configuration.
294 Weld access hole preferences selected do not meet AISC a slope < 0 criteria. (p. 16.1-386 Note 4), please update weld access hole configuration.
295 Weld access hole preferences selected do not meet AISC b slope >=0 criteria. (p. 16.1-386 Note 4), please update weld access hole configuration.
296 Weld access hole preferences selected do not AISC min radius criteria. (p. 16.1-386 Note 3), please update weld access hole configuration.
297 Weld access hole height preferences selected do not meet W59-13 Figure 5.1 height criteria. (p. 56 Note 6), please update weld access hole configuration.
298 Weld access hole preferences selected do not meet W59-13 Figure 5.1 top slope < 0 criteria. (p. 56 Note 2), please update weld access hole configuration.
299 Weld access hole preferences selected do not meet W59-13 Figure 5.1 bottom slope >=0 criteria. (p. 56 Note 2), please update weld access hole configuration.
300 Weld access hole preferences selected do not meet W59-13 Figure 5.1 min radius criteria. (p. 56 Note 2), please update weld access hole configuration.
301 Unsupported axial load in column Pr/Pc > 1.0.
302 Unable to provide doubler plate PJP weld due to minimum thickness requirements. Please update min or max doubler plate preferences and re-run connection.
303 Part of group with failed connection.
304 Vertical Bracing Connections with Metric units are not supported yet.
305 Grouping contains connection with incorrect job override preference.
306 Workline relative to brace is located outside envelope from HEEL of min(g1,g,ybar) TO max(g) per AISC Table 1-7a.
307 Please locate single angle brace so that in-plane angle face is within 1/2 in. (10 mm) of workline plane.
308 Insufficient space at support End Plate on sloped support.
309 Unable to make stabilizer plate flush with top flange of beam at top of column when top flange is above the top of column.
310 Unable to make stabilizer plate flush with bottom flange of beam at bottom of column when bottom flange is below the bottom of column.
311 Column flange thickness that can be bolted is greater than allowed by the preferences.
312 AISC 15th B3.9.c Load At Column Web Exceeds Yield Line Capacity.
313 Shear plate weld AISC 15th B3.9.b axial capacity failed.
314 Shear plate weld AISC 15th B3.9.c axial capacity failed.
315 Axially Loaded connections at Column Web are not supported when there are Moment Connections at Column Flange.
316 Unsupported gusset geometry max width or length preferences. Please increase max gusset width or length preference and try again.
317 Angle material grade preference cannot be used for stiffener plate opposite beam web. Please update preferences to make sure that angle material grade designation can be used for stiffener plates opposite beam web.
318 Desired Connection Type to Column Flange with VB at Column Web not yet supported.
319 Unable to determine workable gage at angle brace leg.
320 Weld Electrode Non-matching Material Per AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2015 Table 3.1 not yet supported.
321 Weld Electrode Non-matching Material Per W59-18 Table 11.1 not yet supported.
322 TC bolt length needed for connection exceeds maximum length that is listed in the catalog.
323 Not connected due to missing forces.
324 Not connected due to having Axial only loads.
325 Not connected due to having a Moment force and the beam is sloped.
326 Not connected due to having a moment force and an axial force which is not yet implemented in the Qnect product.
327 Not connected due to having a Lateral Moment force and a Gravity Moment force.
328 Not connected due to being a metric connection with a moment force present which is not yet implemented in the Qnect product.
329 Not connected due to having Gravity Moment force.
330 Not connected due to having Weak Axis Moment force.
331 Not connected due to having Torsion force.
332 Not connected due to having Horizontal Shear force.
333 Reverse reaction force not yet available in Qnect.
334 Not connected due to having Lateral Moment force.
335 Not connected due to having Axial Compression/Tension force.
336 Not connected due to having Shear force.
337 Single Angle Connections with AISC 15th Ed. Integrity, Section B3.9.b Axial load are not supported.
338 Single Angle Connections with AISC 15th Ed. Integrity, Section B3.9.c Axial load are not supported.
339 Opposite double angle connections with AISC 15th Ed. Integrity, Section B3.9.b Axial load and OSHA preference are not supported yet.
340 Opposite double angle connections with AISC 15th Ed. Integrity, Section B3.9.c Axial load and OSHA preference are not supported yet.
341 Opposite double angle connections with AISC 15th Ed. Integrity, Section B3.9.b Axial load and Bolt Stagger preference are not supported yet.
342 Opposite double angle connections with AISC 15th Ed. Integrity, Section B3.9.c Axial load and Bolt Stagger preference are not supported yet.
343 Skewed End Plate connections are not supported yet.
344 Not connected due to gage or end plate size issue.
345 Please check that minimum and maximum Moment Plate thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
346 Please check that minimum and maximum Shear Plate thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
347 Please check that minimum and maximum Beam Web Stiffener Plate thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
348 Please check that minimum and maximum Column Web Stiffener Plate thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
349 Please check that minimum and maximum Beam Web Doubler Plate thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
350 Please check that minimum and maximum Column Web Doubler Plate thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
351 Please check that minimum and maximum Stabilizer Plate thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
352 Please check that minimum and maximum Gusset Plate thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
353 Please check that minimum and maximum End Plate thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
354 Please check that minimum and maximum Shim Plate thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
355 Please check that minimum and maximum Deck Support Plate thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
356 W shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
357 WT shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
358 M shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
359 MT shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
360 S shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
361 ST shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
362 HP shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
363 C shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
364 MC shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
365 HSS ROUND shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
366 PIPE shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
367 PLATE shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
368 BAR shape bracing not currently supported by Qnect.
370 Vertical Bracing groups with Single Angle to Column Web Connections are not supported yet.
371 Vertical Bracing groups with different brace types are not supported yet.
372 Connection type preference is not supported with framing condition.
373 Connection type preference is not supported with the load combination.
374 Failed to connect middle beam, and top or bottom gusset with setback preference. Please review setback preferences and re-run vb grouping.
375 Failed to connect middle beam due to additional vertical load from gusset connection(s).
376 Flange of a beam in Vertical Bracing connection is clashing with flange of a beam that was already connected in previous session.
377 Flange of a beam in Moment Connection is clashing with flange of a beam that was already connected in previous session.
378 Qnect internal error, please contact Qnect help desk at customersupport@qnect.com
380 Opposite moment connection beam flange elevation difference exceeds allowable per user preference.
381 Unsupported Cope and Setback cut at sloped connections preference.
382 Connections with AISC15B39B axial integrity loads where angle(s) are welded to support are not supported.
383 Connections with AISC15B39C axial integrity loads where angle(s) are welded to support are not supported.
384 Grouping contains existing connection from another session with a different Plate Thickness Catalog preference. Please make sure that Plate Thickness Catalog preferences are matching and try again.
385 Grouping contains existing connection from another session with a different Engineering Units preference. Please make sure that Engineering Units preferences are matching and try again.
386 Unable to use Galvanized bolt assembly due to preferences mismatch. Selected Galvanized on Qnect UDA but missing a matching bolt standard preference A325 or A325_GALV.
387 Unable to use Galvanized bolt assembly due to preferences mismatch. Selected Galvanized on Qnect UDA but missing a matching bolt standard preference Group A or Group A - GALV.
388 Unsupported framing condition at Plate Girder.
389 Unsupported connection type at Plate Girder.
390 Unsupported framing format at Plate Girder.
391 Not connected due to incompatible user preferences of OSHA Drop or Eliminate, with max # beam web bolt rows, without user permission for max # rows-1.
392 Opposite connections at Column Flange that are done in different sessions and have eccentricity to column centerline preference are not supported.
393 Please check that minimum and maximum Plate Girder Web thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
394 Please check that minimum and maximum Plate Girder flange thickness preferences are within limits set by Material Grade specification.
395 Support Column calculations failed due to Axial T/C forces at beam to column flange connection.
396 Unable to provide radius at moment plate inside corner due to setback from column flange toe. Please use a smaller corner radius preference or increase setback distance to be greater than or equal to corner radius.
397 End plates with integrity loads not yet functional.
398 Unsupported opposite connection types with shared bolts.
402 Flat bar material grade does not match end plate material grade.
403 Member rotation and/or slope are not supported at End Plate connections yet.
404 Groupings with Single Angle Vertical Brace that has an angle leg greater than 10 in. (255 mm) are not supported yet.
405 Column Splice groupings that have other connections at column are not supported yet.
406 Unsupported Column Splice geometry.
407 Could not find job preferences specified for this beam end. Please review Qnect UDA input related to Job Preferences, Reengineer/Revise options.
408 AISC Table 14-3 Gravity Column Splice connections are disabled on the job preferences.
409 Typical Column Splices per AISC Table 14-3 apply with axial compression column loads only.
410 Column splice connections with columns that are not nominally same depth are not supported yet.
411 Single Angle Vertical Brace connections with mismatching job preferences at brace ends are not supported in concurrent sessions.
412 Not connected due to Tekla UDA - End conditions - Moment connection symbol = No. Please check Tekla UDA Moment connection preferences and try again.
413 Vertical offset of a middle beam above the top or below the bottom of a column is not supported yet.
414 Insufficient Single Angle Vertical Brace Tension Yield Rupture capacity. Please review Brace Axial T/C forces and preferences and try again.
415 Please fill out HSS Vertical Bracing at Column Flange preferences and try again.
416 Please fill out Single Angle Vertical Bracing at Column Flange preferences and try again.
417 Please fill out HSS Vertical Bracing at Column Web preferences and try again.
418 Please fill out Single Angle Vertical Bracing at Column Web preferences and try again.
419 Filler beam rotations greater than 1:12 slope from vertical not yet functional in Qnect.
420 Please locate single angle brace so that in-plane angle face is within 1 1/4 in. (10 mm) of workline plane.
421 Bolting preferences specified for Single Angle Vertical Brace connections do not have a bolt type that was used at other end of the brace. Please fix preferences and try again.
422 Gusset Plate thickness preferences specified for Single Angle Vertical Brace do not a have thickness that was used at other end of the brace. Please fix preferences and try again.
423 Could not identify the support member to connect to or the support member is not supported by Qnect.
424 Unable to connect due to a detailing clash with an opposite connection that was connected in a previous session.
425 Missing job preferences for this upper and lower column combination at column splice connection.
426 Beam ends come to the same point. Extend one end min distance to provide connection.
427 Lifting hole preferences at column web are not supported at this lower column profile.
428 Lifting hole preferences at flange plate are not supported at this column splice detail.
429 Gap greater than 3/16 in. (5 mm) at a weld on a skewed fitting requires a Bevel Prep or PJP-Fillet weld (AWS), these options are not yet available at Full Depth Shear Plate connections.
430 Framing condition and/or design parameters not currently supported for Fatigue loads.
431 Supported connection type not found and there was no preference provided on the Estimating Shear Plate Standard Part Details for Failed Connections page.
432 Supported connection type not found and there was no preference provided on the Estimating Double Angles Bolted Bolted Standard Part Details for Failed Connections page.
433 Supported connection type not found and there was no preference provided on the Estimating Double Angles Welded Bolted Standard Part Details for Failed Connections page.
434 Unable to use job override preferences. Please check user access/permissions and try again.
435 Grouping contains a profile (shape) that is not supported yet.
436 This upper and lower column splice combination is not currently supported.
437 The upper and lower column splice combination with dl - du > 2.25 in. is not currently supported.
438 Unable to make an End Plate connection at Column Web due to HSS beam profile width.
439 Unable to make an End Plate connection at Column Flange due to HSS beam profile width.
440 New connection at beam end did not match previous connection data. Please check selection and connection data for any revisions and try again.
441 Unexpected error. Please contact qnect support.
442 Unsupported Wide Flange Vertical Brace geometry or position.
443 Please fill out Wide Flange Vertical Bracing at Column Flange preferences and try again.
444 Please fill out Wide Flange Vertical Bracing at Column Web preferences and try again.
445 Wide Flange Vertical Bracing connections at Column Flange are not supported yet.
446 Wide Flange Vertical Bracing connections at Column Web are not supported yet.
447 Unsupported WF Vertical Bracing geometry, the WF vertical brace web is not on the same plane with the middle beam web.