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No Connections Report

Company: - Josh Qnect -
Job Title: - Qnect Demo 2000 Tons -
Session Title: Baseline
Session Date: 2018-08-31 18:06:55
Model Name: Josh_Demo_2000_Tons.db1
B+Op Status: B+Op was disabled
Building Code: AISC-14
Design Type: LRFD
Engineering Units: Imperial
Bolt Catalog: ASTM Imperial
Profile Catalog: ASTM Imperial
Plate Material Grade Catalog: ASTM Imperial
Plate Thickness Catalog: Imperial
Detailing Distances Dimensions: Imperial
Weld E70
Shear Plate A572-GR.50
Angle A36
Bm Web Doubler Plate A572-GR.50
Stabilizer Plate A572-GR.50
End Plate A572-GR.50
Col Moment Plate A572-GR.50
Col Stiffener Plate A572-GR.50
Col Web Doubler Plate A572-GR.50

Summary Reports: Job Standard Summary  |  Job Sample Calcs Report  |  B+Op Comparison Report
Job Preferences Report  |  No Connections Summary  |  No Connections Detailed  |  No Connections Reference Map
Shear Plate Reports: Specs  Strengths (Shear Only Connections)  Strengths (Shear & Axial Connections)  Welds  Doublers
Single Angle Reports:  Specs  Strengths (Shear & Axial)  Welds  Doublers
Double Angle Reports:  Support Side Specs  Beam Side Specs  Strengths (Shear & Axial)  Welds  Doublers
End Plate Reports:  Specs  Strengths (Shear & Axial)  Welds
Moment Reports:  Specs  Support Strengths  Support Reinforcement Strengths  Moment Plate Strengths  Welds
Moment Group Reports:  Doubler Plate Specs  Doubler Plate Welds  Stiffener / Moment Plate Specs  Stiffener / Moment Plate Welds

Identified Connections
Connection Status Support & Beam GUIDs Filler Beam Girder/Col Subgroup Type Connecting Area Perimeter Part Slope Skew Vertical Offset Horizontal Offset Span Vertical Shear Horizontal Shear Axial Compression Axial Tension DL Gravity Moment LL Gravity Moment Lateral Moment (xx) Moment (yy) Torsion Work Point Z (Elevation) Support & Beam - Material (Original --> Alias)
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. 513CA458-BCA5-4485-887A-7CCBE0A15528
W12X14 W24X55 BEAM_TO_BEAM NONE 0 0.00 83.01 -11.75 0.00 15.32 13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 708.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C467921C-493F-45AD-9E62-A315333FD341
W12X14 W24X55 BEAM_TO_BEAM NONE 0 0.00 83.01 -11.75 0.00 15.32 13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 546.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. 821521D9-8B35-497D-A9B2-11DDBF27AA6F
W12X14 W24X55 BEAM_TO_BEAM NONE 0 0.00 83.01 -11.75 0.00 15.32 13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 384.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. 5EC7EC86-9DDE-43A1-91E4-AE09322B7360
W12X14 W24X55 BEAM_TO_BEAM NONE 0 0.00 83.01 -11.75 0.00 15.32 13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1356.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. CE8AE691-F9D6-49DB-B38B-A3263CC63E1E
W12X14 W24X55 BEAM_TO_BEAM NONE 0 0.00 83.01 -11.75 0.00 15.32 13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1518.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. 3EDF3563-93EB-42E2-94D2-048DCEFD098A
W12X14 W24X55 BEAM_TO_BEAM NONE 0 0.00 83.01 -11.75 0.00 15.32 13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 870.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. EB2FB9FA-F7A9-46E9-800E-FE6F056491B9
W12X14 W24X55 BEAM_TO_BEAM NONE 0 0.00 83.01 -11.75 0.00 15.32 13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1032.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. 30D80433-5F2B-43A3-BB33-539C9C1B3012
W12X14 W24X55 BEAM_TO_BEAM NONE 0 0.00 83.01 -11.75 0.00 15.32 13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1194.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. E95CC985-766A-40B5-843A-91C246B9ECEA
W12X14 W24X55 BEAM_TO_BEAM NONE 0 0.00 83.01 -11.75 0.00 15.32 13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1680.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. D2C6A654-0C2F-47A2-B246-BE6C1D66FB5D
W12X14 W24X55 BEAM_TO_BEAM NONE 0 0.00 83.01 -11.75 0.00 15.32 13 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 222.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C18CECA7-786E-438A-90F1-3E9D531A96FE
W12X14 W14X90 BEAM_TO_COLUMN WEB 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 7.85 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1032.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C18CECA7-786E-438A-90F1-3E9D531A96FE
W12X14 W14X90 BEAM_TO_COLUMN FLANGE 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 15.95 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1032.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. A4BCA449-3F74-4868-92C4-37314EE32E81
W12X14 W14X109 BEAM_TO_COLUMN WEB 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 7.85 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 708.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. A4BCA449-3F74-4868-92C4-37314EE32E81
W12X14 W14X109 BEAM_TO_COLUMN FLANGE 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 15.95 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 708.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C18CECA7-786E-438A-90F1-3E9D531A96FE
W12X14 W14X90 BEAM_TO_COLUMN WEB 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 7.85 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 870.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C18CECA7-786E-438A-90F1-3E9D531A96FE
W12X14 W14X90 BEAM_TO_COLUMN FLANGE 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 15.95 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 870.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C284BE98-8C8B-4F63-A459-B4C32103553D
W12X14 W14X68 BEAM_TO_COLUMN WEB 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 7.85 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1680.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C284BE98-8C8B-4F63-A459-B4C32103553D
W12X14 W14X68 BEAM_TO_COLUMN FLANGE 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 15.95 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1680.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C18CECA7-786E-438A-90F1-3E9D531A96FE
W12X14 W14X90 BEAM_TO_COLUMN WEB 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 7.85 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1194.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C18CECA7-786E-438A-90F1-3E9D531A96FE
W12X14 W14X90 BEAM_TO_COLUMN FLANGE 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 15.95 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1194.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C284BE98-8C8B-4F63-A459-B4C32103553D
W12X14 W14X68 BEAM_TO_COLUMN WEB 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 7.85 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1356.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C284BE98-8C8B-4F63-A459-B4C32103553D
W12X14 W14X68 BEAM_TO_COLUMN FLANGE 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 15.95 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1356.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C284BE98-8C8B-4F63-A459-B4C32103553D
W12X14 W14X68 BEAM_TO_COLUMN WEB 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 7.85 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1518.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. C284BE98-8C8B-4F63-A459-B4C32103553D
W12X14 W14X68 BEAM_TO_COLUMN FLANGE 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 15.95 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 1518.63 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. ECCA29B2-B9EC-4C30-841D-42B7C64F2EFC
W12X14 W14X132 BEAM_TO_COLUMN WEB 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 7.85 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 222.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. ECCA29B2-B9EC-4C30-841D-42B7C64F2EFC
W12X14 W14X132 BEAM_TO_COLUMN FLANGE 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 15.95 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 222.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. A4BCA449-3F74-4868-92C4-37314EE32E81
W12X14 W14X109 BEAM_TO_COLUMN WEB 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 7.85 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 546.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. A4BCA449-3F74-4868-92C4-37314EE32E81
W12X14 W14X109 BEAM_TO_COLUMN FLANGE 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 15.95 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 546.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. A4BCA449-3F74-4868-92C4-37314EE32E81
W12X14 W14X109 BEAM_TO_COLUMN WEB 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 7.85 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 384.625 A992-->A992
Part of group with Inadequate space to connect beams framing to the same side of the support. A4BCA449-3F74-4868-92C4-37314EE32E81
W12X14 W14X109 BEAM_TO_COLUMN FLANGE 0 0.00 -90.00 0.00 0.00 15.95 12 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 384.625 A992-->A992