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Doubler Plate Reinforcing Summary Report

Company: - Josh Qnect -
Job Title: - Qnect Demo 2000 Tons -
Session Title: Baseline
Session Date: 2018-08-31 18:06:55
Model Name: Josh_Demo_2000_Tons.db1
B+Op Status: B+Op was disabled
Building Code: AISC-14
Design Type: LRFD
Engineering Units: Imperial
Bolt Catalog: ASTM Imperial
Profile Catalog: ASTM Imperial
Plate Material Grade Catalog: ASTM Imperial
Plate Thickness Catalog: Imperial
Detailing Distances Dimensions: Imperial
Weld E70
Shear Plate A572-GR.50
Angle A36
Bm Web Doubler Plate A572-GR.50
Stabilizer Plate A572-GR.50
End Plate A572-GR.50
Col Moment Plate A572-GR.50
Col Stiffener Plate A572-GR.50
Col Web Doubler Plate A572-GR.50

Summary Reports: Job Standard Summary  |  Job Sample Calcs Report  |  B+Op Comparison Report
Job Preferences Report  |  No Connections Summary  |  No Connections Detailed  |  No Connections Reference Map
Shear Plate Reports: Specs  Strengths (Shear Only Connections)  Strengths (Shear & Axial Connections)  Welds  Doublers
Single Angle Reports:  Specs  Strengths (Shear & Axial)  Welds  Doublers
Double Angle Reports:  Support Side Specs  Beam Side Specs  Strengths (Shear & Axial)  Welds  Doublers
End Plate Reports:  Specs  Strengths (Shear & Axial)  Welds
Moment Reports:  Specs  Support Strengths  Support Reinforcement Strengths  Moment Plate Strengths  Welds
Moment Group Reports:  Doubler Plate Specs  Doubler Plate Welds  Stiffener / Moment Plate Specs  Stiffener / Moment Plate Welds

Click here for Shear Plate Diagrams

NOTE: Beam final capacity prior to doubler plate requirement reported here could be different than reported here since the final connection details could change in a way that modifies the beam capacity.

Connection Condition Beam Capacity without Doubler Plate Doubler Plate Filler Beam Size Without Doubler
(click link for full calcs)
Count Filler Beam Support Girder/Col Slope Skew Vertical Offset Span Reaction Axial T\C Vertical Shear Axial T\C Width Length Thickness Choice 1 Beam Shear Capacity Choice 2 Beam Shear Capacity
bb.s.s.00041.00199 45 W8X10 W21X50 0.00 90.00 -13.00 10.00 15.00 0.00 \ 0.00 14.64 na 5.00 4.00 0.313 na na na na
bb.s.s.00041.00202 15 W8X10 W21X50 0.00 -90.00 -13.00 10.00 15.00 0.00 \ 0.00 14.64 na 5.00 4.00 0.313 na na na na
bb.s.s.00047.00205 20 W8X15 W21X122 0.00 -90.00 -13.50 9.43 15.00 0.00 \ 0.00 12.08 na 5.00 7.00 0.313 na na na na
bb.s.s.00083.00241 1 W8X10 W8X10 0.00 -90.00 0.00 2.33 15.00 0.00 \ 0.00 13.43 na 5.00 3.50 0.313 na na na na
bb.s.s.00106.00264 1 W12X14 W16X36 0.00 81.40 -4.00 7.57 38.00 0.00 \ 0.00 32.27 na 8.00 9.56 0.313 na na na na
bb.s.s.00130.00288 1 W12X14 W18X35 0.00 83.01 -5.88 6.64 37.00 0.00 \ 0.00 32.27 na 8.00 9.56 0.313 na na na na
bb.s.s.00083.00290 1 W8X10 W8X10 0.00 90.00 0.00 2.27 15.00 0.00 \ 0.00 13.43 na 5.00 3.50 0.313 na na na na
bb.s.s.00047.00291 2 W8X15 W21X122 0.00 -90.00 -13.51 9.50 15.00 0.00 \ 0.00 12.08 na 5.00 7.00 0.313 na na na na
bb.s.s.00041.00294 1 W8X10 W21X50 0.00 -90.00 -13.00 9.93 15.00 0.00 \ 0.00 14.64 na 5.00 4.00 0.313 na na na na
bb.s.s.00041.00295 1 W8X10 W21X50 0.00 90.00 -13.00 9.93 15.00 0.00 \ 0.00 14.64 na 5.00 4.00 0.313 na na na na